You may notice that there are a lot of pictures of ground squirrels. They are all over my back yard and very photogenic.

I kinda like them =) I have named them all Gomer (kind of like George Foreman naming all of his kids George.) They come and visit me all the time. I think they are use to getting food, because they seem not to fear me. I had one yesterday come right up next to me.
So about this snow. Last night I went out at about midnight to take out my trash when I saw the snow. I wish I had my tripod because it was beautiful (it was in my car and I felt too lazy to go out there and set it up.) I have never seen snow fall with absolutely no wind. The flakes fell straight down. It was mesmerizing. It looked like a transparent speckled sheet of white dots being lowered down very slowly. I tried to take a video of it with my new laptop, issued by the school district, but there was not enough light to capture the image. Hopefully it will snow again like that in the day time so I can tape it for you all to see. Also, since the air was so still, the snow had a chance to accumulate on every branch on every tree with out being pushed aside by the forceful gusts of wind.
Teaching in Alaska:
I realize I have not talked about the classroom as much, so here it is...things are going great! I am guessing the reason I have not been writing about teaching is that I have been having so few problems that I am able to focus on other topics. I have just been appointed a mentor to help me out. Most first year teachers in Alaska are issued a state mentor to show them the ropes; help out with classroom management, lesson plans, and other logistical things teachers have to deal with. I unfortunately slipped through the cracks and was not issued a mentor at the beginning of the school year (when it would have been SUPER helpful.) My principal worked very hard to get me someone, and she finally found a retired band teacher who was willing to come in and work with me. My mentor has told me (and apparently everyone else in my school) that I am doing great! She says very few first year teachers (and even some veteran teachers)are at the point I am at. She tells me that my classroom management is fantastic, my planning is great, my time management is right where it should be, and the only thing I really need help with is organization. I do feel very comfortable in front of a classroom, and I have my fantastic cooperating teachers and university advisers who helped me during student teaching to thank for it! I learned so much in those two 9 week sessions that I actually felt ready for the instructional portion of teaching. Of course it is all of the other things that teachers do outside of the classroom that I still need help with, but the important part, the actual teaching, is going very well. I still have a very long way to go, but I am off to a great start.
So yeah...that's how things are here. How are you doing? =)
I have joined the Fairbanks Community band and I'm having a blast playing. I have been away from my euphonium for far too long and it is great to be back playing challenging literature again. Also, I have solved the American obesity problem. All we need to do is make the health food more affordable and raise the price of snacks. Now that I can actually afford to eat healthy food, I am losing weight and feeling great! I am confident that moving to Alaska was one of the best decisions I have ever made with my life. I still miss everyone like MAD, but things are great up here. The only thing that could make Alaska any better, is if all of my friends and family were up here with me. Last night, I made a "Hello from Alaska" video for The Larsons (some very close friends of mine), and it really made me realize how much I do miss everyone. December cannot come fast enough! The video was actually pretty cool. The one I made last night was specifically for the Larsons, but I think next weekend I am going to make a general one and post it here for everyone to see.
Have a great week!!! Remember to mark your calenders for Dec 22nd - Jan 3rd!
Rock on
~Mr. Lockwood