Another groovy thing happened yesterday that I would like to share. In between the amazing concert in the morning and the amazing lecture/performance in the evening...I received the keys to my new living space! I am going to be spending the summer living in a dry cabin in the middle of the woods. What this means is that I will be spening the next three months (or more if I like it) in a 16 x 20 log cabin without running water. A lot of people in Fairbanks live without running water. Since everything is so spread out, connecting everyone to a water main in not efficient and due to the amount of time the ground is frozen up here...wells can be tricky to dig...therfore a lot of people haul water and use an outhouse. This will be my life for at least the summer. My cabin is about 5 miles away from town in moose infested forests =) I do go to the gym 3-5 days a week, so shower facilities will be available and I know a couple other teachers at Randy Smith who live without running they can show me the ropes. I am very excited to spend the summer "roughing it." Just hanging out in the woods. I am pretty close to the next cabin over, but the trees are so thick that it is hard to see.
Here is a pictorial tour of my new home:
The Outside:

The Kitchen:

The Living Room:

The Bedroom:

The Hallway to the Bathroom:

Ok...well, I need to get going. I have a very busy day today. I am leaving for Anchorage on Sunday, so I have lesson plans to write for Monday and Tuesday. Take care everyone!
Rock on
~Mr, Lockwood
What about bears? Will they be a problem for you? I will pray for you just in case.
Wow Bobb! I totally couldn't do it, but hey, if anyone can, YOU CAN! :) Cool! If you don't blog for several days, is it safe to assume you've been eaten by these said bears that a previous commenter has hinted at? ;)
Of all my friends if I had to guess which one would be living in a log cabin with no running water, it would have been you.
Well, you or the unabomber, but I think I still would have leaned towards you:)
Glad you found a place to live, do you need to buy a bunch of furniture now, or are you really gonna go native and just sleep on the floor?
That is so cool Bobb. I think I would go crazy. But seriously, that is so cool. Do do you sleep up in the loft then?
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