The approach on hole 18

The basket on hole 16

The basket on hole 15

The tee box on hole 13

One of the discs that I dyed myself!

Hopefully you can see why I decided to spend so much time frolfing this summer/ is beautiful up there!! Disc golf is free, I get to hang out with friends, and it is something I really enjoy doing (and I'm getting pretty good...I shot a 4 under on 18 the other day.)
The disc golf pictures were taken a few weeks ago. This is what Fairbanks looks like now:
The view looking away from my driveway

My driveway

Chez Bobb

Foot Foot out enjoying the first snow fall of the year!

Ok...That's about all I have for today. I think I am going to go out and grab a quick bite then go to school and get some work done. Take care everyone!!!
Rock on
~Mr. Lockwood
Oh my god that course is beautiful. I'm jealous. Foot Foot is cute! Silly kitty... Ooooooo, I love snow... I'm excited for winter now. HOODIES!!!!!!!!
My word verification is impicat. Is your cat impi?
Looks like a fun course!! Foot Foot looks so cute outside in the snow!!! Darth loves being outside in any season. I hope we don't get snow yet, but does look pretty!!! Don't work too hard!!!
Bobb your pictures are unbelievable!!! So gorgeous!
I had no idea the course was so beautiful... Awesome!
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