"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings."
Ok...it may not be time to talk of cabbages and kings...but it IS time for spring break. Last week one was of the busiest weeks I have had yet in my teaching career. With dress rehearsals, concerts, and TONS of snow...I am very happy last week is over.
I will start off with a picture, then a lot of pictures =) My friend Jen is up here visiting me for Spring break...and she brought me a couple of camera lenses to play with. THEY ARE AMAZING!! This picture is one of my favs with a Canon 50mm 1.4.

Yesterday, Jen and I went to "Ice Alaska." A place where people from all over the world come to create these amazing ice sculptures. It was unbelievable what these people can do with a bit of frozen water and a chainsaw! But before we went to the ice park...we had a very tasty lunch of Copper River Salmon Salad with Basil Blue Cheese Dressing and Red Wine.

We arrived at the ice park around 2:00 and walked around with cameras. It was pretty fun! Tons (literally tons) of very cool sculptures everywhere. Here are a few that caught my eye...and my lens (ok...not my lens, but I wish it was.)
Ok...now for some pictures....WARNING!! There are a lot of pics, and I am uploading then as large files...so it may take a while for them to come up.

There are MANY MANY more pictures...but these are some of the more impressive sculptures. Taking pictures of ice and snow is very challenging. It is easy to overexpose the photograph...I am still learning everyday fun new things to try in order to make my photography better. I love Alaska!
I'll will try very hard to be back more to update this site. I plan on taking LOTS of pictures over spring break, so be on the look out!
Rock on
~Mr. Lockwood
Those ice sculptures are amazing! Your pictures are very good. I'm looking forward to seeing more. My son rents lenses for his camera when he wants to try different ones. From a place called lens rentals dot com He has tried several to see which one he wants to buy. It is really easy to get them and then send them back. Just a thought...
I was wondering what was going on with you just this morning. Glad that all is well with you. Glad you are lovin Alaska!
These ice sculptures are amazing!and so your pictures are as always! How are you been my friend? I tried to call you tonight, but your line was busy. :( I'll try later. You seems to be having too much fun with being in Alaska. I think that place is totally Bobbish.. don't you agree? Well, have a nice break(it doesn't seem like a SPRING break though.. )but anyway enjoy your break!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....yesterday......
Sorry I'm late!
Hope your birthday was fun though!!
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